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US eases India export licence requirements

India Global Business Staff

The United States government has said it will allow India to receive more US high tech and military items without a requirement for individual export licences. US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in a statement that the provision is in line with the United States decision to designate India as a 'major defence partner'. The easing of US export rules will be facilitated by moving India into tier one of the Department of Commerce's (DOC's) Strategic Trade Authorisation (STA) mechanism, which expands the scope of exports that can be made to India without individual licenses, subject to the Export Administration Regulations. Ross added that the “STA Tier 1 treatment” provides India with the same level access to US military technologies as NATO allies. He said, “This reflects India's membership in three of the four multilateral export control regimes, as well the development of its national export control system. “US companies will be able to more efficiently export a much wider range of products to Indian high technology and military customers. India's new status will benefit US manufacturers while continuing to protect our national security.”

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