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US online fashion retailer plans India expansion

India Global Business Staff

Aiming to expand its India presence, US-based online women fashion retailer Samshek Inc has got on board investment facilitation firm Nair Ventures for capital and infrastructure support.

Nair Ventures said in a statement that it is looking forward to helping Samshek establish and expand its presence in markets like the UK, US and India by helping them execute business scaling processes.

Nair Ventures describes itself as an investment promotion, facilitation and execution agency with a business model focussed on contributing to the start-up success stories with the help of venture capital and private equity funds.

Samshek calls itself a fashion tech store offering digital customisation to the modern-day customer, besides ready-to-wear clothes for women. Samshek Fashion′s Co-Founder Samiksha Bajaj said the company is looking to its next phase of growth and expansion in domestic and international markets with its new collaboration with Nair Ventures.

Through the collaboration, Samshek is looking to get help on capital investment, infrastructure support, business intelligence, and operations and market research.

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