TechSagar Showcasing India's technology and cyber preparedness

TechSagar  Showcasing India's technology and cyber preparedness
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An expert explains how a new tech repository enables targeted search of India's technology capabilities which will open gates for innovation and collaboration across industry and academia.

  • As India aspires to become a trillion-dollar digital economy, enhancing cyber security measures becomes a key national priority.
  • Tech Sagar is a repository featuring 4000+ entities from Industry, Academia and Research, providing a country-level view of India's cyber competencies.
  • The initiative enables the Government to assess the country-level readiness on strategic technologies for future readiness.
capabilities have become central to National strategic outlook. As India aspires to become a
, enhancing our preparedness and
is a key national priority. There is a need for concerted efforts in developing critical technology capabilities in the country for India's geopolitical advantage. While these efforts have been visible in the past few years, the effectiveness of developing national cyber competence needs closer attention.
, enterprises, academia, researchers and R&D institutes in the country need to synergise their efforts and work in tandem to achieve this national goal. With this view, the National Security Council Secretariat Government of India partnered with Data Security Council of India to conceptualise a ′National Technology Capability Repository', now named TechSagar. TechSagar, as it sounds - an ocean of technology - is a consolidated and comprehensive repository which provides actionable insights about capabilities of the Indian industry, academia and research; across 25 technology areas like IoT, Ai/ML, b
, cloud & virtualisation, robotics & automation, AR/VR, wireless & networking, and more. Hierarchical ontologies and detailed definitions have been built for each of the technology areas that allow granular and multidimensional search, detailed and seamless navigations to discover entities using more than 3000 niche capabilities. As of now, the repository features 4000+ entities from industry, academia and research including large enterprises, start-ups, R&D institutes and individual researchers, providing a country-level view of India's cyber competencies. Capability mapping has been done at product level for the industry and enterprises which allows to locate and comprehend 9000+ products, solutions and services. In addition to this, key investments and fund flow in various technology areas and companies have also been made available, subject to availability in public domain.
TechSagar is a dynamic platform which will be frequently updated with new entities and information to maintain its relevancy and usefulness. Research reports showcasing India's capabilities across several technologies like IoT, AI/ML, Robotics, NLP, AR/VR, and many more are available. It is a good example of government facilitating ecosystem collaboration and industry growth in a strategic domain. The repository endeavours to provide direction for a strategic cyber roadmap of the country in R&D, industry development, and strengthening the preparedness of national security. A central repository like TechSagar enables the Government to assess the country-level readiness on strategic technologies for future readiness. This will enable the government to have targeted interventions to build capacity in specific technology areas, and drive R&D investments in academia and industry development. Having a consolidated view will also drive better collaboration and partnerships between academia and industry, and among industry members, to drive an outcome-driven approach in technology development and/or commercialising R&D.
Rama Vedashree is the CEO of Data Security Council of India, a premier industry body on data protection in India, setup by NASSCOM.

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